The Contract Will Not Work – Summary

January 12, 2008

The contract is full of crap. Most of it has nothing to do with my life.

I’m definately not Signing it.



Crisis Centre Contract

January 12, 2008

I got the letter the other day and I’m still in a daze of what it said. I’ve been in to much pain to report but here it is.

The letter accused me of multiple substance abuse including a medication I have sensibly used for about 10 years. I have had recent drug screens at the hospital they should know I’m clean. That is they’re reasoning for my GAD, borderline personality disorder, agoraphobia, OCD, PTSD (from what ever they think)Schiztypal personality traits.

This one doesn’t even make sense. It said I wanted to kill a doctor for drugs!!!  It’s true I did feel like killing a doctor but one that abused me when I was a kid.

I feel I’m being treated by a blindfolded deaf doctor. Well thanks for the self esteem booster Crisis Centre.

I’m still in a lot of pain and just want them to be straight out and honest with me. It’s hard enough when the entire day is full of pain all over. I will have the results on Monday.
