Last Hour. 10 years ago today Elliott Smith passed away.

October 20, 2013

10 years ago today the world lost a kind man, He was also a musical genius. Sensative as he was, he felt all the pain he saw and heard.
Rest in Peace Elliott Smith.
This song I think is fitting for both my feelings about life and one of Elliots best songs.
Peace, NW xo ”Don’t let me be carried away” – ES. ❤


October 19, 2013

Hey Yeh its me nightworrier. Recent attempts asking for help have only fallen on deaf ears. I cannot talk to my doc if I feel suicidal. Which is all the time now. My partner is watching me 24/7 when I wake he does. He wont go to bed till I do. Acute crisis help hangs up on me the hospital wont take me. If I don’t stand for whats right. I will leave others in the same position. Thankyou M.I you have been a hood support to me. Just a few words is all I can conjure. Peace. NW.