Cinema Trip

May 11, 2010

On wed the 10TH my peer worker suggested we go see a movie, normally I would not need to think about it I would jut say no. but after knowing my peer worker for a,while I knew I wold feel safe, so I stepped a bit further out of my zone by going to a big mall where the cinema was situated.So I followed my support work. most of the time I kept my anxiety under control. the bursts of pain were minimal which is always lucky as i still don’t have breakthrough painkillers.

I can’t believe the difference a year ago I would have said no to it. I went to my first movie in 7 years last years in November when I saw this is it. I was so into the movie I was barely looking for the exit signs.. I enjoyed the movie and felt good that I went. I’m feeling better about going out I think… I’m pretty sure. only once or twice did I start to wonder if people were staring at me. my rational mind kicked in. I realized I wasn’t alone. A great day. I rarely feel th success I did after that.
