The Puppies

June 22, 2009

So It’s been nearly 3 weeks since Bonny had her puppies. They are doing awesome. 2 days agot hey all opened they’re eyes. and now they’re walking , growling, fighting, barking. They are all immensely cute. Bonny Is a fantastic mother. She is so young and she is so responsible. I won’t let her have another litter…. for a while at least. She have to have her own yard 5 weeks of the year. Doesn’t mean I will be spending any less time with her. She’s my best friend. She follows me everywhere and always keeps me alive. She watches me paint and dance, Even write entries. She says Hi.

This is a pic of one of the big ones Nicknamed “Sooty” kissing the ” little one” I think they are very sweet. Just makes my heart melt.

Soot and Lil kissing

Soot and 'Lil One' kissing

Everyday I look for people looking for Australian Cattle dogs. I have a few buyers so far. And yes I was going to probably give them away. After looking after them so carefully and making sure they are healthy and see a vet. I will charge a small amount for them.  I imagine once they are old enough all the ACD freaks will come out looking for them.

Well that’s my puppy update. I’ll make a more lengthy one when they’re older and show they’re growth stages. from grumbling little first day fur balls to little 6 week terrors. It’s been a great journey with them so far. Maybe some lack of sleep sometimes but always worth it.

Peace out,



Happy and Sad

June 4, 2009

Mixed feelings, The order of the day. I don’t know exactly why I’m feeling this way but I am okay. I know inside I will be fine soon. Maybe some more sunlight would be helpful and maybe if I wasn’t in this confusing situation with the law and maybe if I hadn’t busted my hand, so yeh that means no dancing for a while (for those who came in late… I breakdance so I use my hands ALOT). Its also quite hard to draw and paint. lucky I can still think and type. (Maybe slow but it’s worth it)

Had a bit of trouble in the middle of the night (why is it always at that time?) I guess because that’s when I’m truly exhausted from the day and I can’t take anymore stress that plays on my mind. It’s sometimes very hard to shut down. Woke up again in sweats from the fentanyl wearing off in my sleep. It’s quite a hard medication to keep level. Even with my safe method of usage. I really need to be changed to something else soon. It will happen I know.

Two days ago my dog Bonny had some puppies. That was a charm. The pups are beautiful. There is one a little one different colour and size to the others I guess you could call her the runt but I think little one is a better title for her. The others are all big and strong.  Six pups all up 2 boys 4 girls. I was told that made me a grandma now. Funny because Bonny really looks for help from me sometimes. I just watch them and try and keep them calm and quiet so Bonz get some rest.

So with all this I have a lot of animals to care for and concentrate on.  I think for at least 6 weeks. So it’ll be around my birthday when the pups are running around and chewing everything in sight. Watching my Bonz care for them brings such happiness. How can anyone be sad with all these little hearts needing some love. I’ll be fine.



Love ya all. xo

Another Beach trip

February 16, 2008

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Running half an hour late to meet friends at the beach. It’s me who procrastinates now. I checked everything in the house to make sure it was locked and everything was turned off. I checked over and over again ***king OCD. I hate making excuses for being late. I’ll just keep sticking with I wasn’t watching the time. The pain in my face is getting excruciating and I’ve been stressed to the max. Lucky I brought a Tramadol and a Valium. The combination does me about 50% painless (back, face and sprained ankle.)

Even considering I woke up unable to move my leg as it would cause incredible pain in my knee. It was so bad I couldn’t even get up to get painkillers. Luckily when it got time to get up. only a couple hours later I could walk with ease.

Well after a slightly stressful drive to the beach I notice the Valium is working. My hearts not racing and I can think clearer and more logically.

Things have been stressful since my Mum offered me a trip to Japan to see my little brother. Neither My partner or my Mum get along – It makes my life difficult to say the least some would call it a living hell.

Ahhh It’s still nice and hot considering it’s 6:10 pm we should be there by 6:25. My friends will be like well typical. Man I feel so bad about that.

We met up after 45 minutes of getting lost(Jeesh where would we be without mobiles.)

I got out of the car n straight away dropped my half full beer. It’s a tragedy but it’s also probably a good thing. Apart from it smashed everywhere. and I had to face my fear of picking up glass piece by piece.

As we walked (I stumbled) down the sand dunes I was having a hard time with my back, ankle knee and face (hehe reminds me of a kids song)

We sat there and chatted I went for a quick dip ( was a bit worried my cuts would show. I’m pretty sure people saw some, I feel like such a moron) with them we played with the frisbee in the water till it got lost. When we got out I felt relaxed and happy to have friends around. I also have a habit of making a new sand sculpture (not that what I do could be classed as art it’s I suppose expression) every time I go to the beach heres the days sand pic. Enjoy, laugh or pick on it.

Yep It’s supposed to be a sea turtle!!!

When I got out I noticed my dog had made some friends. A pack of Dalmations.

The excitment of the dogs was good too.

They played in front of us showing of for about half an hour. So cute.

It started to get a bit chilly n the sun was setting so we went home.

I felt very much relaxed at the beach. Successful therapy today.

It’s about 11pm now I had a quick kip. So I’m awake and for some dinner now

I was real anxious about eating so I had aanother half a val. Quite tired now. Been a long Day.

Goodnight, Peace,