Very Sick

April 14, 2013

On Saturday I got very sick. I felt so hot, I checked my temperature, it was 39.5 I figured It was way hot. My friend told me to take some paracetemol I took 2 and half hour I was feeling good enough to put myself to sleep, When I woke up I felt ok I had something to eat. Then I decided to go back to bed when I went to lie down. As soon as I lyed down I felt sick again, Then violently threw up, about 5 times, least to say my partner wasn’t impressed,  He got a bit of splash.  😦 I ket apologising for it. He was a good man and got it all cleaned up. I got up again and just felt unbearabley hot and tried cooling down.

That night I got the temperature again. This time my temperature was 39.5 and the paracetamol didn’t do any thing at all. I kept checking and every minute the thermometer showed a higher reading, at 39.9 I said to my partner ”I have to go to hospital” He jumped straight up and got me in the car he’d been waiting for me to say it’s ok I need to go to the hospital.

When we arrived at the emergency doors I opened the car door while my boy went n parked the car. I remember the light being too bright and I remember trying to walk towards the triage desk but before I knew it I had thrown up again and passed out on a waiting lounge, I woke up again in a room in emergency I still could not see and the headache was getting worse they checked my tewmperature again and started fluids through both arms as well as some kind of pain relief for my head. I answered some questions for the doc in the dark room.  I felt so unwell and fell asleep again. I woke up again in Intensive Care, People wore full body protection and we all had masks on, It was actually somewhat a good feeling to know I didn’t need to keep trying to save myself, that others had taken over was a huge relief.

They did many tests and kept me in ICU for 2 days till I was realesed to a ward. On the last day in ICU I felt lucid for the first time in a while I looked around and wondered what happened to me I found sticthes in my hand holding a tube in. I didn’t know whatthey were doing but I trrusted them, They got my temperature down and said I was good enough to go to a ward.

Spending my hours awake in the renal ward with 3 other guys was at first a little unsettling but once I met them they all seemed nice. The nurses I had were amazing and their bedside manner was more than you’d expect. They gave me info on how to stay healthy and give myself rest, something I have not been good at in the past. I had had so many bloods taken and canulas put in I was starting not to be scared when they asked for more blood.

On the last day in their which was Wednesday They came in and said the results showed a multi resistant strain of the infection. So A big stop sign was stapled on my curtains warning people not to see me without a mask. The nurses and doc said they had no where for me to stay as I may make the other patients sick so they said home would be best and to keep taking antibiotics and get another blood test done in a week. Sounds easy enough.

It’s Sunday now, It’s been a week since that awful illness and I feel so much better, I am drinking plenty of clean water and eating healthy so I can get back to my life, The one I was getting good the one I was finding a way out of the deep depression feeling. Least my face isn’t hurting so much now. I went for a little skateboarding today only 20 mins but enough to know Im feeling better.

So that was my last week, If I am ever so sick again I won’t wait I will see my doctor before things go out of control.

Peace, Nightworrier.