Fighting the system for Truth Adelaide MHS

January 19, 2015

I am finally not taking it lying down it’s time to make a change, Many of my friends and people i have known have committed suicide because the Southern mental health system was and is for a short time being run by the Pentecostal Church they discriminated in gender age and were incredibly judgemental. To the point we pay more for people to watch the southern train tracks for jumpers than we are paying for 3 people who claim to run the system, I am getting the truth out. It’s time not just i but many others get help, I feel the main person at SMH is also a predator as he has always accepted young boys into the ward for break downs depression schizophrenia etc. He and his cronies only choose on whether they fit what they think they can push into the church. I’s time for a change and I will not give up I will make it my job to help the others that went through the pain I have experienced. In any other state or country a person would get help for months of clinical depression.

This will change Adelaide. This is a disgrace and the mental health system is trying to be quiet about it.

Time for the whistle blowers to help me with all the testimonials sadly including one that has since left this world.

I am strong and I will change this system!

Peace, Night Worrier