My Birthday

July 15, 2011

What a day it was. Again it was on the same date as last year but this year with a silent twist. A very silent twist. I had no motivation, been told I can’t drink and felt just a little younger yet again. I finally managed to pull myself together I had a shower at the end of the day to help me relax. when I got out I put on my Pjs and opened the fire place and left the hot poker in it. I walked off to make a cup of tea. Check my email then went to sit down in front of it on my most mediocre day from memory, as I walked towards the fire I took the poker out and put it on the ground in front of the fire. I walked over towards the heater, next thing my foot is burnt and stuck to the hot poker, Mediocrity left that very moment and suddenly became a day I would never forget.My partner ran over with a bucket of water with ice. I screamed inside for about 3 hours. I ended up sleeping in front of the fire with my pajama leg pulled up and knee bent so I could sleep. Unfortunately I couldn’t sleep the pain was too bad. So at about 8am the next day I attempted to walk. Happy Birthday to me. I got a Slackline( like a tight rope but slack) for my birthday too (Irony) So after a night with no sleep.
When my partner woke up he looked at my foot and we found an early morning GP on a Sunday, He saw straight through me, I putr on the old “ahh it’s just a bbit of pain can you bandage it” he replied ” You don’t seem to like yourself very much do you? I was shocked, I changed the subject back to my foot. But he kept saying there is more to your problems then this, you should be happy. Wow that’s more then just a bandage. He asked me to talk to someone. I showed no signs of self hatred or anything I acted like I just woke up n had a little physical burn on my foot. So Dr sixth sense told me to come see him at his clinic. (I already have a heap of doctors/physicians) But I didn’t mind that he’d worked me out. Least I felt understood the day after my birthday.
My friends started coming over one by one each with a bottle of expensive liquors and of course 2 nice reds.They defiantly know me. I tried really hard to stay awake. I was too embarrassed to tell them I burnt my foot so on my party every one had a go at walking the slackline seemed to be the thing of the night, I came upstairs and watched some MJ movies n music then watch My favorite tribute artist Kenny Wizz on DVD. I drank a fair bit as I really felt I was missing out on the fun with everyone. Luckily my friends are very sensitive to my needs and came and joined me. So all up I ended up having a fairly good time even with an extremely sore foot. Thanks to everyone that held me up when I was down.
Peace, NW