Dodgey Hospital Story

May 31, 2008

This following story is over six months old but I wanted your thoughts.

It was my second psych admission (in this particular ward the psych had made a rule that no one would self harm) pretty hard thing to do when ya in there for dark depression in the first place. On my first day I met a nice girl from the country she was in there for slightly different reasons to me. She had serious emotional problems from past events.

On this first day of meeting her we went out for a smoke. I noticed a cut on her arm and asked did ya do it? She turned her arm over and it was really messed up. I asked her if the nurses had seen it. she tried to pull her sleeve down over it but it was obvious. We walked back to the ward and the psychiatrist saw it and she said she wanted to go home. So the Psych just let her go.

Given she was young and in a very depressed state was this right of the hospital psychiatrist to send her home for breaking the rules. I and other were pretty worried about her.

Thanks for listening.



Purple Sky

May 24, 2008

I like it.



The Storm that Didn’t Happen

May 18, 2008

There was supposed to be a storm the other night they said lightning , thunder, strong winds and rain. We only got the latter. I was ready to do some lightning photos and chill in the negative ions. Oh well another day soon. I’ll be ready.



It’s all Good

May 9, 2008

So lately I’ve been goin nuts with the paints. It is working as diversion therapy as well as getting me to actually get motivation. Will post something up soon. Just building courage.

The OCD is really annoying but I’m handling it ok. If it gets too bad I’ll tell the doc. Its a pity I don’t have a psychologist anymore and my doc has left the local practice. I probably scared em away from theyre jobs (jk)

My face still hurts to the max. Slightly eased with strong painkiller. I don’t know if the Lyrica is working yet. Still waiting.



New Paintings

May 7, 2008

I’ve been painting a lot lately in watercolour. It’s really interesting I’m learning something new everyday. I’ve done alot latley maybe I’ll put up a little preview later. It does its own thing and it mixes and does pretty things.

I think this is the medium Im using as my addiction. Its great.



Good Morning

May 4, 2008

Today I woke up early. to see my mate he’s really down to earth and really understands me. We get along really well I think because were going though the same sort of thing. Im now gonna sit on the porch and drink the green tea he gave me.

Yesterday his wife picked me up and I went over theyre place for lunch. It’s so good to feel accepted.

BTW my music is on I cut me hair and things are looking brighter.
