My New Pain Management Doctor

November 8, 2008

Well since I last saw my new doctor I have been feeling phsically better to say the least which is giving me time to think and reveiw my life and things. I’m even getting some sleep now. OK well I have had some help from the Temazepam. I would rather stay on the stillnox but it’s too expensive.

The help and support I’ve had from family and friends hase been great. Even you anons that read my stuff. Just feeling I can air my experience.

Still seeing the psych for my ADHD and panic problems. I still have a great support worker who takes me to appointments I otherwise prob wouldn’t go.

I’m gonna go try relax now.



My New Pain Management Doctor.

November 3, 2008

I’ve met him he’s really understanding and knows how hard my life is getting I think he’s gonna put a stop to my pain soon. He’s a real Doctor and he’s really helping. I hope when I see him next I will no longer be suffering. As he will sort things out the my Trigeminal Neuralgia. I will be forever thankful for his understanding.



My New Love

November 3, 2008

October 30 2008 i woke up at eleven to see my doc in the afternoon. I had just dreamt of my old dog and missed him so much. I looked online for free dogs that would be suitabblw well Australian Cattle Dog (ACD) was the only sort. There happened to be one little girl to giveaway. I asked if I could go see her and after a long ride ott town we found a long dirt road will sleepy lizards walking across it I was surprised how many we’re alive with all the traffic but it shows som people care. I arrived at a small farm and saw a liitle black timid dog. The lady said well that’s her she’s preety fightened of people. She looked perfect. I got her and asked if I could have ‘missy’ and she said yes I asked how old ‘missy’ was she said she was born on the 15th of July which is great because thats my birthday too. I think we will be good together. She’s only a couple of months old or so but she has alot to learn and some CBT to help with her nervousness.

I love her but can’t decide on a name.

I’ll put up a pic soon.
