When you get pushed down you have to fight!

March 2, 2016

After many ”Meetings” with the so called head of mental health. Nothing has been changed in 2 years!!!. He has only made things harder. I think it’s time to light a fire under his ass. He is not responding to my emails and if he was half the person he said he was . Put it this way he wouldn’t let it happen to his family/ (Though he seems quite disconnected with society) Which could be the problem.

You have my email if anyone wants to chat. I’m all ears.

These people are just manipulators of the system and letting thousands down everyday!

But this needs change. I don’t care how many people need to loose their jobs because we need the right people collecting the pay checks not someone pretending to listen or pretending to know everything! (I am not kidding this guy is really egotistical!) He gets a small position here. All the sudden he is using his power for nothing or worse.

I am not afraid to name and shame. As you have noticed with the Pentacostal Nurse I mentioned that trys to push patients into his very untoward chruch.

But after this recent email to him maybe it will be time to do something about this. We can’t have leaders hide behind veils because they are doing the WRONG thing.

It’s not shaming them if they have said and done these things. That would be called fact in history if it were not covered up!
