Gooooood Mornin’ Adelaide

September 24, 2008

Well another day awake in sleepy Adelaide it’s 6:37am but stupid TN won’t let me sleep. So I thought I’d write how I’ve been. well last week I went camping and had very a many incident. On the frist day of camping I drove off the road and missed a tree. On the second day of camping my true love said to me. “oi heres a snake for ya” So I walked over and picked it up he was a bit nippy. on the third day of camping I started fires ( I put them out too) It was to burn box thorn. On the fourth day of camping a bee stung me on the neck. On the fifth day of camping I did some campf fire jumping and got box thorn in my feet and slight burns an a bit of smoke inhalation. On the sixth day of camping I did a front hand spring and landed on a rock. Which was the straw that put me in the hospital waiting room for a day just so they could xray it then say well. It looks like ligament damage. So Im not camping. Let alone walking for a while. Update soon.
