Pain All Over my Body

January 3, 2008

For the last week or so I’ve been waking up in agony at about 4-5 in the morning. The pain is everywhere. I am forced to get up and try and find some kind of comfort but it is just constant.

I got blood tests done which show there is nothing wrong.

Last night I went to the doctors because the pain is starting to take over the majority of the day. I explained how things had been going. He was very understanding. I didn’t feel as panicked as much as usual in doctors. He gave me a prescription for tramadol. Today I got up in my usual state of excruciating pain. I took a tramadol and waited very impatiently for some relief.

It’s the afternoon now and I still have the pain. I find the pain has reduced somewhat but I can still barely walk or do anything with power. Typing is hurting.

I have promised my therapist and partner I will not hurt myself. Even tho it kinda helps in a way. With that promise of course includes the promise not to suicide. I’m staying strong apart from the physical pain which feels like it’s taken over. Well less then a week I’ll see my regular Doctor. Maybe they can shed some more light on the problem.
