Happy New Yeaeaaaaaaaaaar 2008

No spacesuits n spaceships to lift us out of this mess. Go 2008 I mean. Yay. I got drunk (well I am drunk) it’s the first of January 2008 2:13am I got really drunk to cover the pain. It works but here comes the anxiety. At new years instead of stabbing myself I got my trumpet out and made some music for the suburb. I actually got applause. It felt good. The two critics next to me said i was 9 out of 10 and 8.5 so a fairly good average for a drunk playing wildly at midnight with a crowd of 30-50. Why I did it I don’t know I was just needing to get something out. I’m still in pain but I don’t care.

Tonight turned 0ut way different then i expected.

Happy New Year Fellow bloggers,



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