What the???

February 24, 2008

 So yesterday evening we go for a drive to check out this bloke passed out in his car engine on and one wheel spinning of the driveway. I walked up to the car n reached in and turned the car off. then tried to wake the driver or not driver. after tapping him a bit to arous him after a while he slowly awoke with a large amount of drool to the car seat. I asked if he was alright. He just talked about the weather quite slurry.  I waited a bit to see if he was ok . He assured me with some noises and grunts he’d jack his car up back onto the pavement. I was satisfied with that and left.

It was really quite surreal. I don’t usually approach strangers passed out in their car. Its the ADHD that makes me do that.

Well I hope he’s doin ok now.

Strange post I know but these strange things in life just seem to pop up now n then n this was one of them.
