Arrested by Police

February 1, 2010

Last week I had some trouble with the neighbours again. They had done something to us to annoy us. My partner retaliated by returning what they had left at our place. I was about to call the police but after what happened I decided not to.

The police arrived 15 minutes later and blamed me for everything.  They said they had video of me doing the wrong thing (so the neighbours were lying to the police.) . I told them they were lying and they kept at me and kept accusing me (even after my partner admitted to it.) I wanted them to leave but they wouldn’t because I wouldn’t admit to their accusation. I believe in justice and truth and I don’t think it’s right to be treated guilty before proven innocent. So I said we should go over and get the neighbours to talk the truth right now. They said they were going to arrest me so I ran up to the road then realized when I looked back they were chasing me so I stopped and they roughly threw me against the police car and forcefully handcuffed me. the bitumen was hot and I had no shoes on. they could see I was very uncomfortable. I asked if I could sit in the shade across the road. They acted like it was a big favor and let me do it. When I sat down the cop asked me what I had behind my back (remember I’m handcuffed with nothing but shorts and a tshirt. I say I have nothing and he checks anyway. He then tells me to empty my pockets I look at him in disbelief. He goes on to tell me I need to sign something. I tell him its impossible.  Then he says well you can do it later I suppose. He read me my rights and asked if I wanted a lawyer I said I did. He said I didn’t need one.  He said I was being arrested for disorderly behavior. I think the disorderly behavior started with them accusing me with allegations and false evidence. They would not leave until I agreed that it was me. It wasn’t me and I didn’t deserve the interrogation.  Nor should I have been arrested. The police should have arrested the neighbours for the countless amounts of vandalism and threats they do to us and our visitors.

After waiting out the front of my house with the cops for an hour a wagon arrived to pick me up. I got in and they drove like maniacs all the way to the station. When I got there. They put me in a cell while they did paperwork. While I sat there I thought about all the things in my life that end up this way. Its always extreme. I felt worn out by everything.

This is all because I had a fallout with the kid next door when he started doing crime eg. smashing windows of cars, taking substances, starting fires and general neighborhood vandalism. I decided not to have him over anymore. It was tearing me apart trying to help him when all he was doing was being reckless to people and they’re things.  Him and his brother started to boast about what they do to people and it hurts to know people like that live so close. So I will never be friends again but I would like them to let everyone on my street live in some peace soon.

My friends have been supporting and very helpful. Thank you

Well more stress, what am I gonna do?… Stay True.1
