A lot of Things to Catch up on. (Or I’m not dead Ok!!!)

September 9, 2009

The last 2 months , Well since about my birthday I started dancing again. religiously 3 hours a day. I get a new move almost every week. Something that makes me feel good. A crew has begun at my house there are approx 8 members 2 oldskoolers and some new bboys They’re mainly seniors that come from the local school and train with me everyday. I watched them progress and now I see them dance with so much style and very smooth and natural on the floor. At first I was their instructor it seems now we are all helping each other out with new moves we are even better friends since the crew started. We have a lot of moves, tricks and routines now. I can feel that great rush of being in a crew again and dancing with others. What else is good is the families of the dancers are quite supportive of it all.

On a sad and rather related topic. A recent fallout with the neighbours through bitterness on theyre half. The Mother of the house has decided to start throwing random allegations about why students come to my house after school. Even threatened police involvement. I welcomed it and called my local police station and told them whats been happening.. So I have at least done my bit. She knows full well what we do and whats to cause problems. THis has not helped my anxiety one bit in fact it’s made me kinda annoyed. Actually very annoyed. As you all know Im just getting use to going out again and these threats and intimdation techniques are bringing back bad memories and dreams. I feel like I have no peace with her disrupting my life. Her son is a steroid fuelled idiot who whats to cause problems and start fights. He nce came to my house and beat up his younger brother in front of me. The younger brother had done nothing wrong.

Moral of the story…. If kids are coming around to your house to play instruments or learn arts or super soakers Watch cartoons and dance. Be careful there are plenty of people out there who are happy to guess what your doing and drag you through all kinds of threats and trouble. Some days I think it’s not worth it anymore but for what they get out of it it’s very worth it. So I’m gonna keep doing it regardless.

Wish me luck. I’ve had a short fuse lately,



Neverland now re-established

I’m sure this will cause some hate mail..It’s cool I got a seperate box to  put that in and one day I’ll publish it all for you. Proceeds will go to Childrens foundations.

Thanks again to all the readers who’ve been here since the start.