Photo shoot, filming; Bee swam. Or a nice time to see friends.

My mate came over with his cool new cameras and did some awesome photos shoots with assistance of my dance moves. Was pretty cool. D and NW were having an awesome time then one of the spot lights that was being used seemed to be a bee attractor and I don’t mean the kind sort I mean the sort that just wants to sting and sting and so on. so we all got a sting we all sat around with ice on our hands, back etc. n a gut of penerghen which made a few people sleepy but better then a reaction I spose, Lucky for the off duty nurse who happened to be there, we continued to party for a while. I drank probably a bit much but it was helping with the confusion and depression.
Strange night all up and unfortunately not far from my complete breakdown.
I knew I wasn’t gonna last much longer I had tried for so long to hang on to something to keep me here.

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