Waiting for Scripts can be Painful

Well yesterday was a shocker I started the day by going to the shop with my friend I then went to get my script for the new medication I’m on. They said sorry we will have to order it and it will take till Monday. Very sorry.  So yes thanks I called around all the pharmacies as did my local chemist and doctor. We soon found that no chemist in my city had what I was looking for. Everyone was shocked.  I went home disappointed, anxious and in withdrawals. I didn’t know what to do I knew hospital was an option but I wanted to make it through. My friend started brainstorming and listed off a few ideas. hospital, a doc appointment see if he can help. So I made an appointment to see my GP.

I can’t believe its not broken!!! I can’t believe this at all. When I was at home waiting for my appointment I had a rather unusual accident which included some kind of knee cartilage damage. When it happened I fell down and screamed so loud The pain was like being shot in the knee then having it set on fire and over and over again. I tried to stop screaming but it was one of those times when ya get delirious with pain (Timing hey?) I eventually came to and couldn’t walk. I wondered how bad it was how long was it going to continue? Well today I’m walking but I cant bend my knee very far without pain so maybe it’ll get better if I just rest a while.

So My mate drove me to my local doctors at 4pm shaking and sick from W/ds. The doc was at a loss but did write a letter for me to go to the hospital and get as close a medication as they could find. I found this to be a good idea and (eventually) ran with it at 5 in the morning. He looked at my knee and said I was fine. My mind was replaying the incident and “ït looks alright, you’ll be fine” didn’t really fit but time will tell.

I arrived at the emergency department. They didn’t seem to be at all concernend about the withdrawals more the pain I was having. I was worried about both especially after my doc said when the W/D starts to be a problem go in. So while I was waiting an hour or so watching old Malcolm maclaren clips in the waiting room to distract myself. They called me in about 7 and gave me a bed to whinge on but I found it much more soothing. I was treated rather well but not given anything for pain relief until 8:30 which came in the form of a script. the doc told me to go to the hospital chemist and get it filled. Oops it’s sunday I finally located the chemist in the hospital and it was closed!!! agh another wall.

At 10 oclock am  on my way home I picked up my script which unforunatly isn’t the medication I’m currently on but it’s similar  and an 8 mg tablet of my new med. these are supposed to get me through till tomorrow. Hope so. At least by tomorrow my chemist will have got the packet they ordered for me (I hope).

I’m shocked again at the little problems that seem to get in the way constantly but I am coping well and dealing with everything one at a time.

Much less overall pain today. Thanks Chemist, Docs, Nurses for all the help. Even if it took all day and night.





2 Responses to Waiting for Scripts can be Painful

  1. Racheal Byrd says:

    What meds were you having withdrawals from?? Just curious if you don’t mind me asking. My husband (25yrs) was diagnosed with TN and he’s on nurotin (sp?) and epitol. xanax seems to really help him with the anxiety part of the condition but for pain he does have a limited supply of demerol.

    p.s. how long have you been diagnosed with TN??

  2. NW says:

    Firstly I’m very sorry for your husbands pain. It’s a pain few people understand. I hope he gets the right help soon. I was diagnosed Jan 08 (part of that time I was on no medication while I waited for head scratching doctors!!!). Im on Hydromorphone now (recent switch from fentanyl). I was on Neurontin but It caused indescribable depression. So I’m On Clonazepam for the pain as well as anxiety.
    Is it Demerol or Dilantin? Here in Australia I think we call demerol pethedine? Is that right? If so Demerol can have similar side effects when people get withdrawal. You might want him to ask his doc if Demerol(bit high toxicity) is suitable to change to another pain killer would work better?
    Xanax works excellent for anxiety,
    If Doctors ever understood my anxiety(10 years) They would try something like that but the whole time I have had anxiety problems I’ve been expected to recover through various psychologists, cbt and inpatient stays in hospital and witch doctors. When I have been on benzos for it theres always some superhero doctor who think he’ll make my life a little better by trying to get me to stop taking them. The whole time I wasn’t on them I just went straight back to agoraphobia.

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