Sandy Stuff

When I go to the beach I can’t help but make sand things. theyre usually just a mess off sand after the dogs have stepped on them a few times but still. Good memories. Heres my sea turtle.

And My Old Doggie ‘Brusey Boy’ He was a beautiful boy.

Theres some of my playing in sand and in my way relaxing.



BTW more pics soon.

2 Responses to Sandy Stuff

  1. Jamie says:

    I started to write in a new journal tonight, but I could not really think right. I have Borderliine Personality Disorder, Bipolar type 2 and ocd. I feel so alone with my mental problems, but seeing your sand art helped. I just need a CBT therapist to help me, the one I saw last time was a waste of time. I still talk on the phone to one therapist- the only one really who knows how to deal with the Borderline stuff. I’m taking Depakote, 1000mg a day, a new med. So far I feel worse every day. I had to stop taking Lamictal because I could not afford it, My thoughts as I try to go to sleep we be of distraction and sand art, I have’t relaxed in a very long time, too busy with my two young children and too tired and sad in my nonexistent marriage with a man who is selfish, loveless and cruel. I wish I had some temazepam now to take SO i CAN SLEEP. Hopefully, I will get on this prescription drug plan that is rellay cheap Tuesday I go to see about a part time job, so I can have money to pay a therapist twice weekly or I will end up in the hospital again. And my evil husband won’t give me a bloody red cent for therapy, he thinks it’s just talking, God I do hate the man. Well, sorry to go on and on but that’s how I feel. Take care,

  2. nightworrier says:

    Hi Jamie, I hope things get sorted better for you very soon. Your situation is familiar and hard I know. All the drugs and experimenting, cbt all kinds of different therapies I hope you get the money to afford the right person to talk to. Otherwise you can always talk to me on this email address. I’m not a boy it’s just the name of my email. Peace Jamie,
    PS If anyone needs to talk just email me and I’ll try and get back to you asap.

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