Another Beach trip

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Running half an hour late to meet friends at the beach. It’s me who procrastinates now. I checked everything in the house to make sure it was locked and everything was turned off. I checked over and over again ***king OCD. I hate making excuses for being late. I’ll just keep sticking with I wasn’t watching the time. The pain in my face is getting excruciating and I’ve been stressed to the max. Lucky I brought a Tramadol and a Valium. The combination does me about 50% painless (back, face and sprained ankle.)

Even considering I woke up unable to move my leg as it would cause incredible pain in my knee. It was so bad I couldn’t even get up to get painkillers. Luckily when it got time to get up. only a couple hours later I could walk with ease.

Well after a slightly stressful drive to the beach I notice the Valium is working. My hearts not racing and I can think clearer and more logically.

Things have been stressful since my Mum offered me a trip to Japan to see my little brother. Neither My partner or my Mum get along – It makes my life difficult to say the least some would call it a living hell.

Ahhh It’s still nice and hot considering it’s 6:10 pm we should be there by 6:25. My friends will be like well typical. Man I feel so bad about that.

We met up after 45 minutes of getting lost(Jeesh where would we be without mobiles.)

I got out of the car n straight away dropped my half full beer. It’s a tragedy but it’s also probably a good thing. Apart from it smashed everywhere. and I had to face my fear of picking up glass piece by piece.

As we walked (I stumbled) down the sand dunes I was having a hard time with my back, ankle knee and face (hehe reminds me of a kids song)

We sat there and chatted I went for a quick dip ( was a bit worried my cuts would show. I’m pretty sure people saw some, I feel like such a moron) with them we played with the frisbee in the water till it got lost. When we got out I felt relaxed and happy to have friends around. I also have a habit of making a new sand sculpture (not that what I do could be classed as art it’s I suppose expression) every time I go to the beach heres the days sand pic. Enjoy, laugh or pick on it.

Yep It’s supposed to be a sea turtle!!!

When I got out I noticed my dog had made some friends. A pack of Dalmations.

The excitment of the dogs was good too.

They played in front of us showing of for about half an hour. So cute.

It started to get a bit chilly n the sun was setting so we went home.

I felt very much relaxed at the beach. Successful therapy today.

It’s about 11pm now I had a quick kip. So I’m awake and for some dinner now

I was real anxious about eating so I had aanother half a val. Quite tired now. Been a long Day.

Goodnight, Peace,


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