Keeping on track

 So I went to see my therapist today. It was ok. I told her about my worries of the RRV and the stress I’m having eating, drinking, sleeping. She showed me the big picture again and helped me put things in perspective. As I have been letting worrying thoughts enter my head. Well not just enter but have a party.

On my way home we stopped at the shops to get bread I walked to the bakery to get something for lunch as I’m now gonna make an effort to have three meals a day. Plus I’ll be keeping hydrated with the most purest thing… water.

Most of the RRV pain has gone now. The pain is really only there when I wake up or after I try to run or do anything strenuous. I’m very happy about that. Seems like it’s taken forever to leave me alone.

The TN is still annoying me. I take tramal everyday and I’m pretty sure it’s stopping most of the pain. Hard to say. It definatley helps me walk about with a stuffed back and joints.

I’m really putting an effort in on all fronts now. There might be alot holding me back physically but nothing is stopping me from keeping a strong mind and working my problems out. I am very lucky to have the friends I have too. They help keep me strong. I still have my bad times but I’m learning how to cope better.

Peace and Love,


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